June 24, 31 Mission boundary change-I'm serving in the Riverside mission now!

June 24, 2019
Sister Stoddard left to Escondido and and Sister Welker came to Morgan Hill. Everything went well with transfers and I went with another Sister while I waited for Sister Welker to get here. We saw a man carrying boxes and offered to help him. His family then visited with us and gave us food.

We had a meeting to meet the Riverside Mission President. It is interesting to see how he does things differently than President Thomas. 

A few weeks ago we gave a woman a copy of The Book of Mormon. She did not want to set up a return appointment and would not give us her phone number. We came back this week and she was not home, but her husband was and he said that she has been reading it. He sees the Book mark moving through the book. 

We were biking to an appointment and we stopped to talk to a man named Kevin. He was not interested, but thinks we are very well traveled and experts on good places to visit. 
Love,Sister Vernon

June 31, 2019
We were asked to teach a combined young men and young women class on Sunday. We decided to teach on Elder Radbands talk "Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection" we brought popsicle sticks and had then build fortresses and put a little paper person in it. We had one kid represent the devil and the obstacles he sends our way. He came and tried to blow the fortresses down and for the most part was unsuccessful. We related this to Building a Fortress of faith that will allow us to stand strong when we face hard times. I think it went well and that they enjoyed it.
We found a new person to teach this week named Jordan, he is a teenager. However he was not there for the appointment we set up.
One day this week we went to the very edge of our area on a dirt road. It was kind of fun to explore. We did even give out a Book of Mormon to a lady up there.
We officially are a part of the Riverside Mission. Our area Book would not sync and then it deleted a bunch of stuff when they changed it. Most of the stuff we have figured out now. I think they deleted our area and then added a new area in the Riverside mission. 


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