
Showing posts from October, 2018

Oct 22, 2018 I'm Being Transferred

The big news for this week is that we have transfers. I will be going to Bear Valley in Escondido and I will be with my MTC companion Sister Fish. It is another biking area. We had two of the people we are teaching come to watch a Baptism. Daniel came to one for someone in the YSA ward and Gloria went to one for a family friend. We had Stake Conference this week. We went to the adult session with Daniel and Gillian. One of the speakers talked about how in boxing a lot of novices want to go for the big powerful punch to bring down there opponent. But that the experiences boxer knows that it is the little successive jabs that most effectively bring down your opponent. He compared this to spiritual promptings and answers to prayers. That we sometimes want a big sign, but there are little signs from God that are answers to our prayers. It helped Daniel realize that he is not going to have a huge spiritual experience, but his answers are in the peace and comfort h

October 15, 2018 Are you guys nuts?

We visited a lady in the ward that has the most spoiled dog I have ever seen. We think her dog was a Yorkie. She even had a little puppy piano to play and home cooked meals for her special diet. She has puppy friends the huahua family (Chihuahuas) that are also spoiled. We helped a lady weed and trim her backyard. It was a big hill with a lot of tumbleweeds. The tumble weeds were fun to pull out because they are big bushes with one little stem holding it in the ground so when you pull it out it is pretty easy and then you get a giant bush and you feel good about your weed pulling powers. We had exchanges on Wednesday I was with Sister Bradford in our area. We met this guy named Anthony from Lebanon. We also had a lesson with Daniel and Gillian and Sister Mesa, the young Church service missionary that has been going out with us, came with us. It rained a lot on Saturday and we were out biking. It normally does not rain and no one knows what to do in the rain. A lady in a car dri

Oct 8, 2018 General Conference FEAST

October 8, 2018 We watched General Conference and had a Spiritual feast. It is amazing how basically everything that The Prophets and Apostles teach is the same as what we teach as missionaries. I love that the Lord leads The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and that we are a Church of Revelation. Back with Sister Mabunga we met this guy named David as we were walking and we stopped and talked to him about the Gospel. He got excited and told us that he knows President Oaks and had dinner once with President Ballard. He likes to show off how much he knows about the Church. He loves the Church, but does not understand why following the commandments are important. He did not appear to have a desire to change and we did not have a way to contact him again so we finished the conversation and moved on. The other day Sister Miles and I were biking and ran into him again. We had basically the exact same conversation we had before with him, he was saying the same things as bef

October 1, 2018

We had both District Council and Mission President Interviews on Tuesday so we had a lot of meetings. We did a lot of finding this week. We found a man named that we started to teach. The entire time we were teaching him we thought he was going to start bashing us. He was talking about how he believed that only the Bible is the word of God and that is all we need to study. When we introduced the Book of Mormon and the First Vision he seemed to accept it, even though it is different than what he thought before. Hopefully he continues to recognize the truth that we teach. We helped at the Food Pantry. This time I got to help bag the fruits and vegetables. This was nice because it is something that is more needed than what they normally have us do. We helped Rochelle clean her home again. She needs the peace and comfort that gospel can bring, but she focuses on the challenges she faces and not her blessings. We visited a lady that is 101. She was in the bathroom when we first

September 24, 2018 New Bikes!

Sister Miles first day of biking on her mission. It had been a long time since she had rode a Bike. We saw a really big spider, but you can not really tell from the picture. We had dinner at the top of a hill that overlooks Murrieta. Sister Miles after her first bike ride. Sep 24, 2018 Hello Family, Last Monday I bought a new bike and we also got Sister Miles everything she needs for biking. On her first day biking I thought she was right behind me and then all of a sudden she was way back. I waited a couple of minutes and she came riding along and said she had thrown up. I did not really know what to do for her and we were in a hurry so we just kept biking. Sister Miles was not feeling well on Tuesday so we stayed in almost all day, except for dinner. It was weird not going out, but I got a lot of studies done. We had a big Zone Conference with Elder Bangerter of the Seventy. He knows a lot of scriptures that he can just quote. It was a good meeting and we got