
Showing posts from May, 2018

June 28, 2018

We are having a Family Home Evening lesson tonight so we made the armo r of God for it. The light saber was just in our apartment. We made a breastplate too, but Sister Henrie was still working on it when I took the picture  A place that we walk by a lot with a bunch of potted plants. June 28, 2018 Hello,  I got my first Media Referrals this week, or people that have said they will meet with the missionaries on . The first one we got went to an address that did not exist. We were able to text the person and get his address and left the Bible he requested at his house because he was not there when he said he would be. We got a 2nd online Referral and he says he wants to become a Mormon. Unfortunately, he lives slightly outside our ward.  We had Zone Conference this week in Carlsbad. It was good we discussed contacting and how to have good interactions with members to inspire them to do missionary work. We also had Mission President Interviews. Whe

Talk, Scarves and teaching!

May 21, 2018 Hello, Sister Henrie and I both gave talks yesterday. This is my second time giving a talk in the ward, they really like having the missionaries talk. The talk I was asked to talk on was from 1995, that was really short. It was interesting looking at the pictures of all the people that spoke. Everyone looks a lot younger, and President Nelson almost looks the same. I shared about how God will give us strength to Endure to the End and read the scriptures especially the Book of Mormon.  We were asked to be investigators for the youth. They had a Doctrinal Mastery night and were practicing teaching using the scriptures. It was fun to go and see them teach. We had a lesson with a man who is trying to come back to church. He wants his son to be a part of the church. He also had an experience were he lost his keys and wallet. He prayed to God and promised that if He would help him find his keys and wallet that he would come back to church. He found his keys and w

May 14, 2018-new companion!

Sister Henrie, my new companion and me.     A picture from when we went to Fallbrook, the Avocado Capital of the World to do service with a big group of missionaries. Making cinnamon rolls with the YW, they are selling them as a fund raiser for girls camp. At the beginning of the week I was helping Sister Walters get ready to move. We had to be careful how we packed her stuff because it barely fit in our car. We did it basically the same us how we packed my stuff when I was going to and from Rexburg. We stopped by some places and Sister Walters said goodbye to the ward. I got to spend a couple of hours with the Hermanas while waiting for Sister Henrie to arrive. I went to a lesson with them. I did not understand very much, but I understood some. They also gave me Mexican chicken dish that a member gave them. It was fun to try. I then got to meet Sister Henrie my new companion. She had been serving in Carlsbad YSA  so she is transitioning into working in a Family

May 7, 2018

May 7, 2018  We spent a lot of time trying to find people to teach this week. We made a goal to finish tracting one of the longest streets in our area by the end of the transfer. We thought we were not going to finish it but we did. We gave out 6 Book of Mormons this week, which is more than we have done before, but we did not find any new investigators. We went to the Mormon Battalion this week. Everyone who finished being trained and all the trainers got to go. It is outside of our mission, but not too far away. We all went to a Mexican Buffet before going. It was yummy, but I ate too much.  It was fun to learn more of the history of the Mormon Battalion and all the service they did in California. The told us that we could invite our investigators to go to the Mormon Battalion, so we grabbed some fliers and invited Josie's family to go. It sounds like they might go.  The big news for this week is that we got transfer calls. Sister Walters is going to

April 30, 2018

April 30, 2018 Hello,  We did a lot of service this week. We helped an Elderly lady in our ward a few times We normally help her once a week. She is working hard to try and fix up her house so it will nice when she has a lot of her family visit her in September. It has a lot of work to do.  We also helped set up a Luau Party. It was good we helped because they did not have very many people setting up and we only had about an hour. We were able to set it up, they then feed us dinner that was part of the party. We then had a dinner appointment after that. So we had two large dinners. I was so full it did not feel good. It was funny because the Elders did not have a dinner that night so it is like we ate their dinner. We taught our first early morning lesson to a man named Fred. We asked if we could teach him at 7 and he took it as 7am instead of 7pm so that is what we did. It was a good lesson and he has great fellowshippers in the ward but he won't be available to teach