New companion and area

May 27, 2019 ELLAINA
Last Monday we sent Sister Rigby home and said goodbye to the Calavera ward. I then packed and got ready to come to Morgan Hill. A member drove me up to the new area. I was expecting my companion to already be here, but no one could be her companion in the time that she waited in Temecula so she was still in her old area. The member that drove me stayed until she got here. We did not really know what to do the first day because the area book on our phones did not update to the new area until the second day. So we mostly cleaned the apartment and talked. We then got the area book and have been able to work and figure out were our area is. It is one really big hill that is hard to bike up, but is fun to bike down. So it is easier on the way home.  We are starting to figure out were everything is and who we are working with. It was pretty confusing at first. We went to mutual and meet the ward mission leader and some people in the ward. It is a pretty big ward people wise with a lot of families. At mutual they have us hold up Book of Mormons until someone takes it so they can give it to a friend. We then follow up with them the next week. So that was pretty cool.
Both Sister Stoddard and I spoke in Sacrament meeting yesterday for the ward to get to know us. The other Sisters said they would talk, but they got transferred out. So we got to do it. I talked about revelation and how we need to really have a testimony that the Church is true and then we can be effective missionaries/member missionaries. I think they liked our talks because they talked about them in the second hour.
We had two other Sisters come on Saturday and worked in our area we had a lot of success. We gave out a lot of Book of Mormons and found a new person to teach. We found a house that has a little train tracts all around it. Which was fun to see. This is a good ward and it will be exciting to see what miracles we will see. Love Sister Vernon

Sister Quist and I when she came to work our area, Sister Stoddard and I in the rain. I will try and get a better picture of us this week. I kept meaning to and kept forgetting.


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