
Showing posts from July, 2018

July 23, 2018

We had a busy week. Sister Mabunga was sick last Monday so we stayed home. She is feeling better know. It went through almost all the missionaries in our Zone, but I did not get it. We had a good lesson with Gillian and Daniel. Gillian called randomly and said that she has a serious question. She asked how do I tell if I am feeling the Spirit or if it is just a good lesson. We shared a couple of scriptures with them, so hopefully we answered their question. We were sad because they did not come to church yesterday. Hopefully they went to another ward. We helped run the Murrieta Stake 5-k fun run for the kids. We told them where to start and gave them a popsicle stick for every lap they went around. The little kids did a half mile and the older kids did one mile. Some of the kids ran their hardest and were too busy running to grab their popsicle sticks. Consequently they had to run more laps to get the  medal we gave them at the end. Other kids barely made it. It was fun and the

July 16, 2018 Teaching lots and a Flat Tire!

July 16, 2018 Hello, We had District Council on Tuesday. We have been taking turns cooking for all the missionaries for lunch after the meeting. This week it was our turn so we made Filipino food, Chicken Adobe and I made Caramel Brownies. It was a lot of work because neither of us had ever cooked for that many people (12) and most of our cooking pots are small. It was good that it turned out good. We had a lesson with three little girls. Their Grandma is a member and wants them to learn and get baptized.  Their Mom will not let them unless they really have a testimony, which is why we are teaching them. We did an object lesson with a tie to teach about prayer. Sister Henrie had taught me the object lesson. It went well and the girls got into it. We should be able to continue to teach them. There is an elderly lady in the ward named Sister Kimble. She lives in a home care center. It is a house with a couple that takes care of 6 elderly people. They told us that we could he

July 9, 2018

Hello, This week it got really hot. It has been around 113 outside. We getting really sweaty. We have been getting rides from people more often because it is so hot. I was thinking that the rest of the summer is going to be this hot, but it sounds like it is a heat wave and will cool down slightly. Sister Mabunga made Philipino food for dinner on Preparation day. It was chicken, potatoes, and rice cooked soy sauce and vinegar. She worked hard on it and it tasted good. She says they eat it all the time. We had a Zone Conference on the 4th of July and then a devotional/dinner with our zone. So we did not go out and proselyte, which was weird. It was Sister Mabunga's first 4th of July  and she got really excited, but was sad because we did not see any Fireworks. We had exchanges on Tuesday. I went with Sister Romig to the Murrieta YSA ward. This was my first time going to a different area for exchanges so it was fun. The ward covers four stakes/cities. Two of which are not

July 2, 2018 Biking area.

In the park they threw a huge party for Murrieta turning 27 years old. Murrieta is the city I am in. They basically celebrated the  4th of July  a little early, so that they can all celebrate again this week.  We helped a lot of people move. We got three separate phone calls all about helping their Aunt move. We helped all of them. One lady was not a member. We went over with ten other missionaries to help her. We moved all of her stuff and fit it in her trailer. Afterwards we said a prayer with her and I think she felt the Spirit. Hopefully when she comes in contact with missionaries again she will listen to them.  We were biking home and needed to get dinner. Sister Mabunga was not feeling well and was struggling on her bike. We said a prayer that Sister Mabunga would feel better and that we would be able to get our dinner and get home safely.  The Sister Training Leaders drove by and waved at us. They ended up picking up a pizza for us. That was an answer to our prayer. 

First Transfer June 25, 2018

One of the Sisters in the ward drove me to Murrieta on Tuesday mourning. It was about an hour and a half drive. Murrieta is at the very northern part of the mission. Murrieta is a suburb. Almost everyone that lives here commutes two to three hours to work in San Diego and some work in Las Angeles. Our apartment is almost brand new and is very nice. Murrieta is farther from the Ocean so it is a lot hotter here. Sister Mabunga has been out 8 months. She served for about two weeks in the Philippines before she got her visa. She speaks both Tagolog and English and has time to study English every day. She is my first companion that I am taller than her. She is super sweet and has eight siblings. Our ward is pretty small geographically which is good because we are on bikes. I am using another missionaries old bike. The ward is growing and has a lot of young families. Just this week we had a family of ten move in. There is a young newly wed couple that we started teaching.  The wife

June 17, 2018 Leaving first area

We got transfers this week. I will be going to Murrieta. I will be transitioning to full time bike which will be different. My new companion will be Sister Mabunga she is from the Philippines. On Tuesday we got an online Referral from for a girl named Lucky. We visited her and I had even knocked on her door before when we were tracting. We taught her about the Restoration and she seems really excited to learn more. She was impressed that we came by so fast. She has a friend that is on a mission and gets his letters. She was excited to have a Book of Mormon so that she can look up the scriptures he talks about. We think she is YSA so other missionaries will probably have to teach her. We started teaching a lady named Caroline that the YSA Sisters have been teaching. They told us they wanted to invite her to be baptized on July 14. As they lesson went on none of the other missionaries were asking her so I invited her to be baptized. She said yes, but maybe not th