
Showing posts from March, 2019

March 18, 2019

March 18, 2019 This week we were tracting and we talked to a lady named Andie. She was not interested in learning more and we thought that was that. Then we noticed that she had some cool pottery and we asked her about it. Her husband is an artist. She ended up giving us each a pot. We walked by her house the next day and she waved at us. We had Zone Conference this week and it was all about Repentance and how to use Facebook. So I am going to try and use Facebook more to reach out to people. We did the Musical number we were practicing last week and it went pretty good. We taught Delia and her six year old son Oliver. Oliver has been asking her what happens after we die. We taught them the Plan of Salvation and it went really good especially for teaching someone so young. We had dinner with a family last night and their kids made all the food blue for Saint Patrick's Day. They tried to make it green, but used the wrong color.

March 11, 2019 Nearer My God to Thee

March 11, 2019 I was asked to accompany another district while they sing Nearer my God to Thee. It sounded really bad at first. We have practiced a lot with them and it is sounding a lot better. Sister Rigby is also singing with them to help. It is cool to see how much a little practice helped. Sister Rigby had a Doctor's appointment in Temecula so we spent a day going there. We helped some people move. One of the people helping move saw a lizard in their house. He was trying to get it to go outside. Then the person we were moving comes and grabs it. Turns out that is was his pet lizard from India that had escaped from its cage. We taught Eddie and Irma this week. Eddie asked us what makes it so our teaching is successful. We stated our purpose as Missionaries, "Our purpose is to invite others to come into Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, a

Sister Durfee completed her mission and new companion!

March 4, 2019 At the beginning of the week we sent Sister Durfee home. She was really sad to not be a missionary anymore, because she loved it so much. Then I got my new companion Sister Rigby from Lehi Utah. She is only my second companion from Utah.   We had a cool experience tracting (this is knocking doors) this week. A lady told us her 6 year old son has been asking her about what happens after we die. She said she did not know how to answer that question and so she asked us. We were able to share with her that this life is not the end and that we can see our families again after this life. We walked Bill's dog Molly again this week. Love, Sister Vernon

February 24, 2019

February 25, 2019 This week was Sister Durfee's last week as a missionary. So we worked extra hard teaching people and inviting people to Church. Bill and his niece Kathy came to Church. He was early enough that when we got there he opened the door for us. He really enjoyed it, it is just hard for him to get to Church because of how old he is. Sister Durfee sang a version of Oh my Father at Church and I accompanied her. It was fun to do with her because she is a really good singer. My new companion will be Sister Rigby, she is from Lehi, Utah and has two transfers left so I might be her last companion as well. We had a day this week with four lessons and we were running around trying to get to all of them. We had a member that helped us to. We had a few mini exchanges with a Sister whose companion went home. We went on a college campus with her and it felt weird, but was fun. Love, Sister Vernon Us with Sister Vockel at Mira Coasta College, we went to the Oceans